Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am FINALLY done with school. I get to sleep in tomorrow yeah!!!! I don't have to be sick anymore. a couple months ago I found out I'm allergic to acrylic and have been getting more sick the longer I'm around it. I get really bad symptoms, my airway closes up and I can't breath, my eyes itch, I sneeze A LOT! and I get that deep croupy cough. IT SUCKS A TON. It will take a few days to get totally out of my system and it is a huge money loss for me in the business, but I will be happy to get back to normal finally. No more breathing treatments.


Libby said...

That sucks! After all the schooling and stuff and you can't even stand to be around the stuff. I hope you get feeling better. Talk to ya later.

Parry Family said...

Congrats! but that really sucks. Congrats on your agency also that is really awesome. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

oh sad!! i haven't checked your blog in so long..I didn't realize you are allergic to it! :( The smell is pretty strong though...can you even use the odorless stuff at all?