Monday, April 6, 2009


FINALLY!! I have a nanny agency YEAH!!! I'm way excited. I'm hoping to get a great launch with it this summer. I have 3 prospective clients already. My agency is called "Coast to Coast Nannies" I will be hiring nannies and bringing in clients from everywhere in the US obviously by the name Coast to Coast. Spread the word, if you know anyone that needs a nanny or a nanny that needs a family!!!!!! I'll be done with Nail school in just 4 weeks and I can't wait. Have a good day everyone!!!


Libby said...

Hey girl,
Sounds like you are doing great!! When you get done with school you need to make a trip down to good old sanpete and do my nails for Hope all keeps going well for you.

Whitney said...

do you have a website?

let me know if you need another model? =)

Steven and Tanesha said...

How exciting! Good luck!

Hendrickson Family said...

That is so awsome. Congratulations! Your blog is way cute by the way.