Sunday, January 8, 2012

A struggle of the Human Soul!!!

People may try to bring me down and some might secede at times. Some people might spread imformation about me, that I know for a fact isn't true. It might hurt a lot and it might presuade a few people to believe the wrong things. I might cry, get angry, get sad, and be confused ( I might figure out the reasons and I might never figure out the reasons), either way it is betrail. Why does this happen? Well we will never really know. It could be because of jeliousy, or a way that person makes themself feel better if the attack is on you (I have never fully understood that) but either way it happens.
This train of thought stems from recent events in my life. I am a good person, and I give my all to a friendship everytime. I have respect for others and I always give the benifit of the doubt. anotherwords I where my heart on my sleve, but some people find it thrilling to take advantage of that side of me so I am forced to not trust anyone and be stuborn, selfish and so on. this is very unfortunate because people miss out on so much in life when they hurt others. This is a constant trial in my life. I have never understood why but I have to constantly learn how to forgive people.